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Yearly Archives: 2023

theme updater

If you have created a commercial or private plugin or theme and want to provide automatic updates for your product a number of solutions are available to you. With so many different avenues, which one is best for your project?…

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plugin updater

If you have created a commercial or private plugin or theme and want to provide automatic updates for your product a number of solutions are available to you. With so many different avenues, which one is best for your project?…

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With plans starting from £1,750 based on your project scope, I can develop and design a tailored WordPress theme from scratch or from a base template.

Need a WordPress Pro on stand by to manage anything pertaining to your WordPress …

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wordpress update server

If you have created a commercial or private plugin or theme and want to provide automatic updates for your product a number of solutions are available to you. With so many different avenues, which one is best for your project?…

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RxDB is a tool for setting up a reactive database which in turn uses PouchDB, which in turn offers a variety of adapters that can build different types of databases with solutions like indexeddb and websql. It wasn’t altogether clear …

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If you decide you want to commit a project you have hosted on your machine into BitBucket and you’re using Sourcetree to manage it, you’ll find that there is no straightforward way to do that. When you try to create …

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